Rabu, 21 November 2012
Model identification in time series - ARMA (p,q)
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The auto-correlation function (ACF) can be defined as a set of correlation coefficients between the series and lags of itself over time. While the definition of partial auto-correlation function (PACF) is the partial correlation coefficients between the series and lags of itself over time.
1. Autoregressive (AR) model
The AR model is a model which includes lagged terms of the time series itself.
We conclude that the series is AR process if
- the PACF displays a sharp cutoff
- while the ACF decays more slowly (i.e., has significant spikes at higher lags) or oscillates (exponentially decays).
2. Moving Average (MA) model
The MA model is a model which includes lagged terms on the noise or residuals.
The patterns for MA process as follows
- the ACF of the differenced series displays a sharp cutoff
- while the decays slowly or oscillates (exponentially decays).
3. ARMA model
This is just a combination of MA and AR terms. Therefore the pattern shows combination of AR and MA process.
Thus, we may head on to following table.