Continuing Bureaucratic Reforms - Japanesse Experiences
If you have read previous article in here and also here, it is understandable to put emphasize on enhancing government capacity through bureaucratic reform. South Korean has shown its result caused, among others, by implementing good corporate governance. Moreover, this article with elaborate more on the topic in Japanese perspective. Looking at Japanese experience is useful because Japan is known as one of cleanest government in the world.
Japanese government still shows its strong economic performance even though it has also shown slowing decline in recent years. It economic ranks 27th in terms of GDP (PPP) per capita with $42,860 where its Gini ratio counts for 0.903 (17th).
Remarkable performance in its economy strongly is supported by its transparent and stable government. Possible reasons for such condition can be describe as follows.
1. Usage of ringi-sei as decision making method in government offices in Japan
2. Progressive retirement bonus
3. Resident's lawsuit system as a check and balance for government service
4. Common sense and ethics among government officials
5. Proper level of remuneration
6. Rotation of personnel with change of assignment
7. Stability of official's position and employment
8. Fair recruitment
9. Training
So what can we learn from Japanese? I let you to draw your own conclusion :).
1. Paper, Profesor Akio Kamiko (Ritsumeikan Universitu)
2. Wikipedia
3. Google